teknik anti-spam bahasa Inggris
- teknik: tech; technic; technique;
- pemberian cap anti-spam: anti-spam stamping
- spam (makanan): spam (food)
- uw-spam: uw-spam1
- wikiprojek spam: wikiproject spam
- teknik: tech; technic; technique; professionalengineering; engineering; technical; academy; vocational school; proficiency; technology
- anti: anti toxine; be opposed to; anti
- pengguna wikiprojek spam: user wikiproject spam
- spam-warn-userpage: db-spamuser-notice
- calon untuk penghapusan segera sebagai spam: candidates for speedy deletion as spam
- bagian teknik: department of technics
- bahasa teknik: fancy-talk
- bidang teknik: technical field; engineering fields
- deformasi (teknik): deformation (engineering)
- disiplin teknik: engineering disciplines